So what do I do - I sign up to use Bubba's Pampered Peddlers to do the Southern US Route only to find out that we will be camping 60-70% of the time. Go figure.
The ride starts in San Diego on March 1st 2019 and ends on April 22nd 2019 in St. Augustine, Florida.

Total riding distance of about 3000 miles and about 75000 feet of vertical climbing. So a somewhat shorter ride than the Northern Ride with slightly less climbing elevation.
Last time across the US in 2013, the first month was pretty brutal. I was definitely not in condition to do the ride. My conditioning plan was to ski 100 days, come to the Cape and ride for a month or so and then head out. Sucked wind the first 20-30 days of the ride. Who knew!
This year I am going to be prepared. I am going to shorten the skiing (50 days depending on the snow) and head to Palm Springs with Cathryn for the month of February and do some serious training.