Monday, October 5, 2015

Last Day! 50 miler to Costa Mesa

The 2015 Ride the West is now in the history books!.  Last day was a fast 50 miles from Marina Del Ray.   A bunch of riders left last night so we are down to about 5 people that have done the entire ride. Today I rode with Sarah (skier from Copper Mountain).  We had to go through some sketchy neighborhoods (the kind where the doors and windows have bars on them) so I told her I would ride with her as she was concerned about being by herself.  Ended up being a nice comfortable pace day.

I didn't take any photos - just couldn't do another day of stopping every 10 minutes.  Mike Monk,  the ride leader, is providing us with all the photos he took of the tour - so worst case I will have his shots for the last ride day.

It was a great tour.  The ride was harder that I had expected - but in the end - the United States still amazes.  The Pacific Coast is just stunning and I hope my photography has captured at least some of its beauty.

It was advertised as a 1400 miles ride and according to my bike computer - it was just as advertised. My computer does not track altitude but I am pretty sure we got close to 76000 feet of climbing.

Here are my statistics....
Distance: 1,387.06 mi
Time: 107:53:00 h:m:s
Avg Speed: 12.8 mph
Calories: 75,212 C

My average speed was almost 1 mile an hour slower that when I went across the USA.    Again the hills just took my average speed down (or old age is creeping in).

Heading home to the Cape tomorrow for some R&R.  Might not get on my bike for at least a week.  

Ellen and David are getting married next year so no big ride in 2016.  But after having ridden with John, Sarah, Jim and Rodger - it's clear I have some more years of quality riding ahead of me!!!

Thanks for following my ride.  Hope you enjoyed following my adventure.

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