Day 1. Pittsburgh to Connellsville 65 miles.

When I looked at the weather report I saw the rain but reports said that the temperature was going to be in the 65-70 degree range. Didn't get over 50 today. And windy.
The only thing got right was the rain part. About 30 miles into the ride it started raining and kept that way for the next 30 miles. Glad I opted to bring the heavy duty rain gear!
The ride out of Pittsburgh was tricky and I had to keep asking people for directions. The problem is that there are a zillion bridges to cross the river to get to the other side but only a couple bridges have access ramps to get down to the trail.
Like I discovered on my ride across the USA where their were a lot of closed stores in every town, Pittsburgh has scads of closed, abandoned steel mills.
Everywhere I rode for the first 15 miles there were these abandoned mills. When I went to school the economic teachers told us how successful America would be as a service economy. Bullshit.
We need to get manufacturing back to places like Pittsburgh.
In any case back to the ride. Started off as a paved path but quickly turned to hard packed dirt.
Trail was pretty nice riding dry but I knew as soon as it started to rain it was going to be a mud. Actually I lucked out and the road stayed pretty hard. Hope luck is with me cause it looks like the rain is here for the week.
Didn't get to take a lot of photos once the rain started. Goal was to get to my hotel so I could get off my wet clothes and shower.
Also didn't see anybody on the trail all day. They must have been better at deciphering the weather report.
Saw more geese than people. In fact got attacked twice by some grease trying to protect their newbies. After the first attached got off my bike on the opposite side of where the geese were ready to throw my bike at the attacker. Luckily 40 pounds of steel convinced them I was a good guy!
Supposed to rain again tomorrow. Need some luck!
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