Monday, May 9, 2016

Heading to Pittsburgh

Just arrived in Pittsburgh vis Amtrak Capital Express.  Didn't know trains could go that slow.  Best part of the ride was leaving from Union Station in the middle of DC.  The don't build them like this anymore.

Bike is packed and ready to go. I must have made at least ten clothing equipment changes in the last two days given the changing weather conditions. Could not decide between a light weight rain jacket and a heavy duty Gortex jacket. Weather forecast has been shifting between rain showers and thunderstorms. In the end decided on bringing both!

As you can see there is only so much stuff you can pack in the panniers so something had to go. Opted to do the ride with no underwear - be surprised how much room they can take up!

As noted train travel is not that glamorous but I do have to admit the seats are wider and the leg room is enormous compared to American Airlines.  Just wish they could go faster than 10 miles per hour! Trip to Pittsburgh to 7 1/2 hours.

One thing you immediately notice is there is a whole different social economic class riding trains.   Love to see Hilary or Trump spend a day riding the rails as they would gain a while new perspective on America (seems I learn this on every bike ride across America).

 Unfortunately the weather report has changed since planning the trip.  Originally it was 73 degrees and sunny to now 50-60% of rain/thunderstorms each day.


Going to have to wrap each piece of clothing in individual plastic bags and "double up" by then putting the individually wrap items inside 30 gal garbage bags.

Hopefully the storms are at the end of each day so I can start early to beat the thunder and lightning!

Thank god I opted for hotels and didn't go the camping route

It's about 6 am so going to have to get ready to roll. Check in later provided my tablet survives the weather.


Joel Reeves said...

I worked a block and a half from Union Station for 33 years. I have seen it go through a couple renovations

Joel Reeves said...

also Joe Biden regularly rides Amtrak to Delaware on the weekends, causing havoc with all the commuters