Friday, March 8, 2019

A Cornucopia of Smells

Today was a 87 mile ride.   Ranked as my most dangerous ride every.  Side winds in excess of 25 miles per hour, really narrow roads with no shoulders and lots of traffic - more on this in a moment.

The first part of the ride was spectacular- we traveled through the Sonora desert.

Of course the area is awash in Saguaros cactus.  Really a site to see.  A 10 year plant will only grow to about 2 inches.  So what you travel by are really, really old....

That was the good part of ride.  We had a guess speaker last night and he said there were three industries in the county.  Solar panels, trash and cows.  

It appears the truck the trash out from Phoenix and Tuscon and pile it into mountains. Then they cover it with dirt.  The second road we rode on appears to be the main road for the trash trucks to travel to the land fill.  About one truck going or coming every 10 seconds.  Big, big trucks and no place to get off the road to let them pass.  When two trucks meet (one coming from one direction and one from the other) ll I did was stop pedaling and hold on for dear life.  Swore more times than I can count. 

Not to mention the smell!!

Then once we got past the trash heap we entered John Wayne's former cattle ranch which is now a bunch of cattle feed yards. Cows for miles and miles.. Smelled like shit (of course).

Again the wind was not our friend today.  So not only was there a crosswind but the smell from the cow lots came right at us..

Tonight we are in another RV travel park.  It amazes me how many trailers there are.  And the age of the residents - I would be considered a kid.  

It is really windy and the wind is blowing constantly.  Of course there is no grass - so the sand is getting in everything.
Tomorrow we head to Tuscon and when we get there we will have a much deserved rest.


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