Sunday, March 10, 2019

Tuscon - Well Deserved Rest Day

WE arrived in Tuscon last night.  A quick 55 miles.

Doesn't seem a lot when you look at the distance we have come - and the distance we have to go!

Two nights ago when we camped in the RV park in Casa Grande we experienced a real desert sand/dust storm.  Everything we have is now coated in dust.  Sucks.

Before we left I got to have coffee with the men's RV Coffee Club (All snowbirds, the kind with MAGA hats).  

They were a funny bunch of guys.  The RV park had a metal horse statute at the entrance.

They told me to go look at it and check underneath.

Seems they took some of their golf balls and painted them brown.  They were really lucking it up when I came back it.  Then they told me to go to the urinal....

Oh well.  Their RV's are in the middle of nowhere - what else did they have to do?

We left Casa Grande for Tuscon.  Our ride instructions were - head to the mountains.

We ended up at a really nice State park.  

The campground is in a nice setting (right below that mountain we were told to head to).  

Great shower facilities, across from a Walmart and an In'n Out Burger joint.  Only problem is that the weather changed and it dropped down to 32 degree last night.  Froze.  This morning I headed to REI where I bought out the place.  Wool underwear, A 5.2 R factor pad and a bunch of other warming items.  I knew I had a REI dividend check so they looked me up and I had a whopping $2.23 dividend.  

I took Uber to get there and I added my designation as the REI store.  Uber picked me up and said its a long way to the REI store in LA so he was wondering if he could stop at his house and get his laptop.  Seems I did not check which REI store before confirming - a potential $617 ride.  Luckily he said he could change the location - so the fare dropped to $16 bucks.  Phew.  

Tomorrow we ride again and there is a 40% chance of rain the next two days and the high temp is only going to be in the 50's.  So not too excited over the ride. 

But it is what it is.

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