Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Ride Across America - Here I come!!!!

Just got back from Squaw and I just registered for the Ride Across America trip. It's 3667 miles in 50 days.


The ride starts in Portland Oregon and ends in Portsmouth, NH.  It's what I call a "credit card" tour -where you stay in hotels, eat in restaurants and the ride is fully supported by a SAG wagon and bike mechanic.  No camping and no lugging stuff on my bike.

Now I need to focus on getting ready for the ride. While I rode over 3200 miles last summer, I have spent the last 100 days skiing at Squaw. Not quite the normal plan for getting ready for a long ride like this - but I did ski hard every day (Chute 75, Split Tree, Slot and other steep Squaw trails).

Priority 1...

So now I have 60 days to get my bike legs back. Hopefully Cape Cod weather will be supportive of my training effort - or it will be down to the basement for 2-3 hours of riding the old spin bike.

Priority 2....

Get my bike and gear in shape for the ride.

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