Saturday, August 11, 2018

Cody - 109 degrees!

Ken and I arrived in Cody today and our last hotel for a week.  We decided to go over to the campground and get our bikes for a short ride.  We got there in time to help them unload the bikes.  First they lost the keys to the truck.  Then when the finally unlocked the truck we help unload the bikes.

The last bike came off and Ken's bike was missing (it's a very expensive bike).  We looked everywhere and could not find it.  I told him - its like his missing helmet  - just go buy another!!  I started making fun of him to only learn I lost my mirror.   So down to the local bike story to purchase another.

We looked one last time for his bike and I found it in the bike corral.  Every bike here is high end and they all look the same.  I figured with 400 riders and $4000 plus per bike we are talking some serious change.  And that is not counting all the $500 buck electronics everybody is using (except me of course).

As mentioned in the title we went for a ride and climbed up to Buffalo Bill State Park.  At the top of the pass,  Ken's garmin registered 109 degrees.  Even we after we headed back down the pass the temperature in Cody hit 99.  Went directly to the local brewery.  Thank god it was air conditioned.

Tomorrow for the first official ride we are expecting 100 degrees,.

Tonight we are in tent city. (at 8:30 pm it's still 94).

We have no internet and I am using my phone as a hot spot.  So blog entry tonight is going to be short.  Again official ride starts tomorrow.  72 miles to Meeteesee.   Town is 3 blocks long and reputed to have two taverns.  

Forgot to mention we have a beer truck following us from town to town.  Sweet.  

Hot Hot Hot.

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