Saturday, April 20, 2019

Almost There!

Today we blew away an 80 mile ride.  Wind was finally at our back.  Two more days to go and about 90 miles total to the end!

I did not ride yesterday.  The storm that was forecast came through,  We were given the choice of riding (starting late) or catching a ride in the sag car.  I chose car! 

In addition to the thunder and lightning - there was actually a tornado very close to the hotel we were staying in.  A tree fell on a house and killed a little girl and injured her brother. 

Even this morning they were still cleaning up the roads.  And this was 150 miles away from last nights storm.

Call me crazy but it did not seem worth it to ride.  It's sad, a bunch of the people that did ride "kidded" some us for not riding (for some reason they felt superior for having risked riding).  Even this morning someone asked me whether I was "riding or sagging".   Screw them.

Bubba knows this has been a hard ride so he gave us all shirts last night....

Only two items missing on the list...  Tornado and Snoring.  Last night we spent it in another gym and the snoring was really, really bad.  Bubba had committed to separating the snorers from the rest of us - but he did not follow through on this commitment.  

We had two conversations every morning.  How bad were the snorers and whether your mattress stayed inflated (forgive me if I have already posted this).

Tonight we are staying in a YMCA just outside Gainesville.  Two more nights in gyms and we are done!  We have a 55 mile ride tomorrow and then on Monday we have a 35 mile"fun ride" to the beach at St. Augustine.

Ready for the end...

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