Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Get the Shredded Chicken

Another long ride to Concan, Texas (damn this state is long).  74 miles with 2500 feet of vertical climbing.  Decent sun but another day of headwinds.  We can't shake the wind.  Took me 7 hours to finish the ride.

Best part of the ride were the wild flowers all along the highway....

We stopped for lunch in a Tex Mex restaurant and I ordered a salad.  It came with a choice of grilled chicken or shredded chicken.  I asked the waitress which type she would recommend...  She responded...  I get the shredded chicken - but then again I don't have any teeth".  

So I order the grilled chicken!

Not a lot of other photo ops as it was hard to stop as we were on a well traveled highway with lots of trucks for most of the ride.  Texas continues to amaze with the variety of stores.

The other day I posted a photo of the waitress wearing the gun.  I also posted this on Facebook in a group called "Cyclists over 60" as I thought this was quite an unusually sight.  To my surprise I created such a stir from a bunch of progressives that they complained to the Group Admin to have me removed from the Group.  "Get rid of the gun guy".  

Photo generated a bunch of weird comments " I always carry when I ride my bike".  etc.  So much so they booted me from the group. 

So much for free speech.  Gotta start worry about this as a nation.

Today we are staying in a combo hotel and RV camping site.   Bubba the night before asked if we would like to stay in the hotel or camp.  It amazed me how many people wanted to camp.  I didn't think about which option....  for even a second.  Here is my room.

So many people elected camping that we had a free bed in our cabin.  This morning a couple of the "tent" guys said to me "what the hell was I thinking!".  "Can I use your bathroom - ours are broken".

Today is a rest day and so we get to stay in the cabin one more night! Then it is back on the road tomorrow.  We are in Texas Hill Country so we have a couple more days of tough 70+ mile rides in front of us.  

Hopefully we get lucky and get a tailwind....

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