Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Dayy 10 Heading out of Boise

We have a real bad internet connection so I am not sure that I will be able to get this post completed.

But the other day I told you I went by a rattlesnake (dead thanks god).  Well Larry (retired programmer from Denver) encountered the real thing.

That will keep you focused on the road!

After a day of rest in Boise and pigging out at the Whole Foods (three times) we headed for a short ride to Mountain Home, Idaho.  Not much in the way of scenery on the ride (50 miles).  But it was hot and again we had to spend about 15 miles on the interstate. 

Sorry but the internet won't let me upload any pictures without crashing - so I am going to ask you to pretend {visualize} that I was able to upload some shots.....

Suffice to say the ride was short and sweet.  Only challenge was the interstate.  The only thing worst than riding on the interstate where the truck speed limit is 65 (which means they are doing 70+) is riding on the interstate where the truck limit is 75 (which means they are pushing 80-90).    The wind can push you off the road if you are not careful.  And the noise was deafening.  

{visualize my "roomie" Alan poising for a picture next to the interstate}

But once we got off the interstate is was quite back roads - just like I expected.  Straight for as far as you can see.

{visualize picture of straight road that stretches forever into the horizon}

Finally got to Mountain Home around noon.  There is a large Air Force base in town (built in 1949).  You can tell the whole town is heavily influenced by the military - stopped at the McDonald's for  salad and the TV station was tuned to Fox News.

{visualize Megan Kelly on Fox News - guys will know what I am taking about}

Tomorrow we have 100 miles and the forecast calls for 100 degrees.  We are all worried about the ride.  We will have to watch each other carefully.  

{visualize my tires melting from the heat}

These will be serious conditions.

OK I give up!!!!!  Going to give up trying to add to the blog before I throw my computer against the wall - internet just keeps dropping and getting tired of retying this.  Impossible to upload photos


Martin Wall said...

Good luck and be careful in the heat tomorrow. All day long I will be visualizing your tires melting. This time next year you should be writing your first book. You may have missed your calling.

Michael Carabetta said...

Martin - books are so passe. Seriously you would need a theme and a plot - I've got nothing.