Thursday, July 4, 2013

Day 18 - Celebrating the Fourth - the right way

On the fourth I thought I would take a couple more shots of Bill Manning.  This time with Bill and his "custom Wounded Warrior" bicycle.

As you know Bill is riding across America to raise money for The Wounded Warriors project.  Again for new readers, Bill is from Portsmouth NH and is a former marine and is 70 years old.

Bill has been riding with an American flag since we started the ride in Astoria, Oregon.  Is there any better day than Independence Day to show off Bill and his flag?

Bill is a faster rider than I am.   But many times I finish before him.  I often wondered why.

Come to find out, Bill stops in a lot of places along the way and drops off "business cards" that describe his ride and ask people to contribute to the Wounded Warrior Project.  These cards are everywhere.  Last night I went into a local cafe to order a salad and there were Bill's cards.

Many times Bill will stop a farmer or rancher and ask about his/her farm or ranch.  He will learn what they are growing and have a conversation with them.  Always before leaving he thanks them for "the service to their country".

So as we are about to depart for our ride to Casper (120 grueling miles) and hopefully get into town early enough to enjoy the holiday.  If you are moved by patriots like Bill, I ask that you consider a contribution to his Wounded Warrior Project.

Here is the link to Bill's project...

So before you head out to watch the fireworks, or order the next round of drinks, consider throwing a couple dollars toward this project.  You will remember what the Fourth of July is all about.

We get a day off tomorrow (for good behavior) and will update the blog on our 120 mile ride from Hell (Casper, WY).

Have a great holiday.

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