Monday, July 8, 2013

Day 22 The Climb to Mount Rushmore

This is the day I have been waiting for.  Not for Mount Rushmore.  No, not for Crazy Horse.  No, not for seeing Buffalo.   But today is the day for Dales!!!

Who or what is Dales you say?  Dales is the local breakfast place.  It seems the hotel we stayed in last night is not known for its food.  So you go to a local dinner for real breakfast food.  First time since we started the trip where we are not forced to eat frozen omelets and cereal.

Now here is the rub.  Loading for the slower riders is at 5:45.  Dales is 1.4 miles away (on our route out of town).  But today because we are all eating out, even the fast riders are loading at 5:45.  I get down to load and there is a frenzy of people trying to get their luggage on the van and bolting to Dales.

I guess the place can't be that big.  And with the fast riders forming pacelines to get there first, there is no chance in hell Alan and I are going to get a seat.  We are probably at best in line for the third seating.   So we decide to pass on Dales - to my biggest disappointment.

The ride to Rushmore started with a torrential downpour.  It rained all night and again we lucked out and it stopped by the time we started.  It did threaten all morning with huge bolts of lightening.

At mile 11 we entered into Wind Cave National Park where the buffalo roam free - including the road.

We got our first close up (possibly too close up).

Got so close I could see his tongue sticking out.

I keep thinking about that Allstate commercial where the buffalo rams the car.  And here I am in with only a piece of carbon tubing between me and Big Boy.

A little further down we saw a small herd, so we stopped and took a couple of shots.

We were also supposed to see a town of prairie dogs - but all I saw was the butt of one digging a new hole and decided it was not a shot for my blog.

Just outside the park we saw an old gas station.

It is closed and there is a sign saying it is a home now and there is no gas.  But I bet everybody stops and ask for gas anyways.

On the climb to Mount Rushmore, we also got to stop and see the "work in progress" Crazy Horse monument.  We did not have time to stop at the exhibit so we stopped at the entrance and took some photos.  Unfortunately there are power lines in the middle of all the shots.

If you look carefully you can see some white spray paint where they are going to blast the head of the horse.  This is a privately funded effort - paid for by the admission fees.  Wish we had more time to stay - but we had a huge 35 mile climb remaining to get to Rushmore.

On the way up to Rushmore there were some unbelievable rock formations.

We finally reached the top of the climb and behold Mount Rushmore.  I have been waiting to do this for years (one of the big reasons I made this trip).  

For those of you that are concerned.  Yes, there is room for one more president.  

I'll let you decide who should be put up there.  But remember the guy has to be dead to qualify.

Wish we could have stayed longer but we had another 30 miles to go to get to our hotel in Rapid City, SD.  

You exit Mount Rushmore and there is a 10 degree downgrade that you fly down.  I am getting more comfortable on these downhills - and got close to 40 MPH today.  

But with every downhill - there is a corresponding uphill.  No sooner did we get to the bottom that we started a 2 mile climb.  In the middle of the climb there was a neat natural keystone we had to ride through.

All in all it was a great day.  I got a couple more ticks off the bucket list.  I do want to come back with Cathryn - as the views are spectacular (might try to talk her into renting an RV).

In any case....

Some guy who passed us climbing the pass in his RV came over to me and said he would take my picture - and that I deserved it for getting there by bicycle.

You know I gotta agree with the guy.  The parking lot was packed with RV's and there was a multi-story parking structure for cars.  Scads of motorcycles.  The place was loaded with tourists.

But climbing 50 miles uphill on a bicycle, riding past mile after mile of beauty.  You can't beat it.

On to Wall Drug!!!

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