Monday, July 15, 2013

Day 29 Back in the Saddle Again - Heading to Minnisota

Had a great day off.  Did nothing in the morning.  Did nothing in the afternoon.  Did nothing in the evening.  I did download a chick flick by mistake.  It had Tina Fay in it (Admission) and I thought it would be a comedy.  It was sweet as Ellen would say.

Friday night when we arrived there was a motorcycle rally with 10,000 Harleys.  Seems our hotel was next to party central which appeared to be a bar/strip joint.

I told one of the guys that he was in my parking space and that I needed to park my bike.

Now you know you are tired when you get invited into the party and you decline so you can go take a nap.  I heard from reliable sources there were several young woman doing polish dances (aka pole dancing) but cannot verify this myself.    Beer I am told was 4.25 per bottle.  Again I cannot verify.

This morning we headed into Sioux Falls via a great 10 mile bike trail.  One of the best bike trails I have ever been on.  Good pavement and great views - went along side a river the whole way.

Ended in a beautiful set of waterfalls - hence the name Sioux Falls!

it was a simple and clean ride today with no wind and great pavement.  At mile 24 we entered Minnesota.   

I had a whole bunch of stuff to tape onto the sign for Steve - but when we got to the sign they were paving the road and we could not get near the sign.  The highway crew was nice enough to let me walk up and take a shot of the sign.  But you could not cross the street given the new asphalt - plus I don't think the Minnesota Highway crew would have appreciated me defacing their sign. 

Because the road was closed we had to take a detour onto a dirt road for 4 miles.  Usually this would not be a big deal but it had rained the night before so the road was soft and muddy.  The highway crew was nice enough to have the flagman lead us through the detour (we would never have figured it out on our own).

Of course the state bird (mosquito) was out in full force on the back roads.  But we survived and made it to Worthington.

Arrived at the hotel to be greeted with a gift bag from the Town of Worthington.  Water and some information on the town.  Nice people those Minnesotans!

Tomorrow is another century (100 miler).  So it is early to bed again.


Susan said...

Is your entire group still intact or did you lose some (one)? How many did you start with?

Michael Carabetta said...

We have not lost anybody that intended to go the complete distance. Some people only signed up to ride specific segments then leave. Then new people come in for their segments.

We had one person admitted to hospital for dehydration and he went home for week but is now back.

Total of 37 people going across country.